Terms and Conditions

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  2. All the images/posters and files, are the property of their respective owners and domains.
  3. All files found on this site, have been collected from various sources across the web and are believed to be in the public domain. All domains scraped have been scraped responsibly to prevent violation of their respective robot.txt files, Terms and Conditions and Disclaimers.
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  5. You may not use this site, to distribute or download any material when you do not have the legal rights to do so.
  6. We are not responsible, for any audio/video bug as we do not tamper with audio/video content in any way.

If you do not agree to all the terms, please disconnect from this site now itself.

Use of our services constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions, comments or enquiries as regards to the agreement, you may contact the team by sending an email to hi@madhabapatra.com.
